
Bright colorful resource pack minecraft 1.12.2
Bright colorful resource pack minecraft 1.12.2

We’ve seen some bright colors in Minecraft before but the Color Pack manages to take it up several notches and this is why the colors can actually be a little too much at times. The defining aspect of the Color Pack is, as the name suggests, the insanely vibrant color palette that it has backing it up. Before we go into any further details regarding the pack, we want to highlight that it might not be for you if you don’t really like sharp colors because the colors in this pack can certainly be rather overbearing at times but, on the other hand, if sharp colors are actually something that you’re a fan of then this pack can absolutely be worth your while. The pack’s been designed with a fairly distinct goal in mind and it definitely succeeds in accomplishing it thereby leading to visuals that are unlike anything else we’ve experienced over the years. The Color Pack is certainly among the most peculiar and intriguing Minecraft resource packs that we’ve come across in quite some time.

Bright colorful resource pack minecraft 1.12.2